01 June 2009


Started on my first project today. We'll get to that in a sec. First...concerning the future of my blog. I've done a lotta thinking after how surrprisingly...detailed...the background check on me was. It's obvious that they were checking up on my internet activity somehow, but they never mentioned specifics. Never quoted me on anything I said.

I suspect they tracked me via e-mail address, through site registrations and the like, but aren't looking too deeply at WHAT I write. I have no way of knowing this, other than a suspicion they would have dropped a little hint that my words were watched.

Unless they WANT me to think that.

Oh god where's my tinfoil....

But seriously, there's no way they're watching everything everybody says, even if it were only city employees. I can't take chances, I know, and yet I'd hardly call this 'taking a chance.' I'll keep writing, and I'll keep chronicling what I can. I can't stand the thought of censoring myself. I mean, we ARE still America, even if it is a time of crisis. If my employers don't like something I say, IF they see it, they'll talk to me about it. It's not like I'm talking bad about them or giving them a bad name.

I guess I'm still just a little spooked from the, ah, discussion, last week.

Obviously though, if something comes across my desk labelled 'top secret,' well, you guys won't be hearing a thing about it.

My first project had no such label. And, if I do my job right, you should be able to see the final result of my work by the end of the week. I was given full details about the guns-for-food program I mentioned before, and it's my job to create PSAs to help spread the word and encourage people to participate.

I've got several angles to go with here. I mean, it's easy to go with the stats of how often weapons kept for personal security are used against the owner. But then, Linda's story would make a great one as well, in a way. How the gun can be used to escape your troubles in a far-more-positive manner.

Deadline's end of work Friday to have a TV and radio ad script, as well as print ad details. I'll be sure to put up what I can on here.

God, Linda...hope her husband got registered. Or at least that there are special exceptions for those dealing with special circumstances.



4th Wall said...

First off, if you're new here and come via one of my Proj. Wonderful campaigns, welcome! Probably wanna start from the beginning to figure out what's going on here. I should probably start making the ads link to the first entry instead of the latest....

Ah well.

Second, let's talk life imitating art. Let's talk googling one's blog, and finding this:


The ACLU is an interesting group. They have some good ideas, and then they go all crazy. Here...here things are a bit on the crazy side.

FINALLY: you no longer have to register to leave comments. Would love to get some idea how many regular readers I'm getting, if any, so feel free to leave a msg!

Jill said...

You know *I'M* reading. :D

Anonymous said...

Read when I can