1 July 2009


Been lost in my own little world lately. Work's still going, but we're all kinda focused on smaller, local projects. Remember Trash Wednesday. Casual Friday is not Clothesless Friday. Cam's favorite, The Homeless are not Helpless.

Little things.

Elle's been on a bit of a green kick, both in terms of hair and projects. Chris has been hiding off in the audio recording room, coming out only to try unsuccessfully to get us out of our shells and into The After.

I think we're all a little bit pissed we weren't chosen to do anything for the upcoming July 4 celebrations. "We're going in a different direction," they said. "Need a change in tone for these," they said. Hmpf.

But I'm back up...only, don't know how many people can read this now. This SubNet business...man, Andy could explain it a few hundred times better than I could. They have the feel of an ISP, but...more elite. Highly technophilic, more elitist, more secret-clubbish.

I got back in touch with Mr. (call-me-Matt) Leethen, who sent me instructions and tossed around words and phrases like 'extended intranet,' 'proxies proxies proxies,' 'hypertext stylesheets,' etc.

Don't understand how with all this security I still keep getting spam from the TinFoil Hat Brigade like I shared earlier. Seems to get around all the blocks too. Matt says they're still working out some of the kinks. And kooks.

He also warned that with these kinks (and kooks) there's still a lot of instability in the setup. "If there's a problem, down we go. We'll get it back up a.s.a.p., but one can never be too careful, am I right?" as he said.

Dunno if you've noticed but this is all a little confusing. Is to me anyway. Wanted to use this as a backup on the hope that the main site would get back up. Hasn't yet. I can't access it, Andy can't, haven't heard from anyone else who can. Guess this becomes the main site then. Just hope that nobody who was reading the last is excluded now. I'll have to talk to Matt about that.


30 June 2009


Test, test.

Hello world.

Is this thing on? -tap tap-

What was I supposed to type oh right.

"If you are reading this then you either have successfully signed up for SubNet, or you have been granted viewing privileges of protected SubNet material."

wow so formal


28 June 2009


What follows is the important parts of today's talk with Andy. There...there was a lot that falls into the important category, I am thinking, possibly.

"So, still writing?" he asked, plugging in our competitive video game of choice.

"No thanks. Yeah, I am, on the off-chance it's just a temporary thing."

"Yeah, about that. Any forced software updates on your computer lately? And you do realize there are characters other than Ken in this game."

"Pfft, like I pay any attention to that. To either of those." (Actually I do, but he knows I know.)

"Yeah, you wouldn't. But I don't think it's client-side anyway."

"Uhm, what."

"The cause."

"Not what I'm not following here."

"Client-side? Your side. User's side."

"Right, gotcha." Nodded my understanding. Cursed a round loss. "That would stand to reason though, right? After the attacks, fewer fat pipes, there's gotta be some negative network effect, right?"

"That's a painful simplification, but as far as I KNOW, that's close enough. The problem is I don't know if I know too much or not enough about the situation though."

"Last part's never been a problem for you, cocky jerk. Dammit!"

With the match win, he turned from the screen. "Yeah, well. Let's assume, okay? Let's assume that your explanation makes enough sense to keep me on the sane side of Occam's Razor."

Raised an eyebrow. "And the more complex, less sane side of the coin?"

"That someone's censoring sites centrally."

"But who?"



"Either Them or Us." His voice capitalized the words. "If it's Them, then they're still impacting our daily lives in ways the President hasn't acknowledged openly. And if it's Us...." He turned back to the game and started the next match. New characters.

"If it's Us, maybe should just kinda stay between us....?"

"Pfffffffft." Total nonchalance. "I'm not paranoid enough to believe that yet, like I said. Plus, I'm just some guy, you know? There are tons of people running around yelling on about far crazier conspiracies." A shrug. Honestly, I doubt he'd care if they DID come for him. He'd just take it all in stride and enjoy the ride.

"But it's possible," he continued, launching into an extended combo. "The slow loading? The not-so-random, almost systematic disappearance of blogs all on similar subjects? It could very easily be someone, somewhere, running large amounts of net traffic through a filter of sorts."

He paused, taking his second victory a lot better than I was. "Well, not very easily, honestly. Again, I don't think it's the most likely cause. Just something to toss out there to make life interesting."

"Been interesting enough over the past few months, thanks man. Really."

"Don't mention it. Also, are you going to bother trying today? I mean, seriously...."

"Look, I'm digesting, alright? And--oh, yeah, right, wanted to ask you something."


"Ever heard of a group called SubNet?"

His turn to raise an eyebrow. "You've heard about SubNet?"

"Not just about them. FROM them."

"Hmmm. Interesting." He grinned and returned to kicking my digital ass.

"So you know about them?"

"Just bits and pieces. Not much, really. Just that they should be able to help you if your site's still down."

"That's nice. Why the reaction?"

A shrug, and a third loss for me. Dude totally spams the same move.

"Yeah, the WIN move!"

