19 May 2009 late night



Today was a bit of an aberration. Updated the journal a bit earlier than usual in an effort to spark some productivity. And it worked! Go figure.

Took a closer look at the jobs listed in the pamphlet. The descriptions were somewhat vague, but I figure that is largely due to stereotypical governmental thickspeak. Still, a few stood out, ones dealing with public communication, document design, and data input. Hell, at this point I'd be estatic to be a secretary. Really, I've got maybe enough savings to eat for another week, then I'll be in trouble. Sooner if food prices rise for whatever reason, though I tell myself that's unlikely if they haven't done so more than they have so far.

The pamphlet recommends applying in person, and the offices are located at the same place as where I'll have to report by the end of the month, so I'll probably do the two-birds-one-stone thing tomorrow.

Speaking of, there is now a constantly-running text banner along the bottom of all operating TV channels reminding people of the registration deadline. No question they're pretty serious about all this.


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