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So a little more about the job.
I start tomorrow, 9 am, for orientation.
And that's all I know at this point.
President Lee released another video today. I'm sure the man is busy trying to hold together a nation fragmented by the devastating attacks a month ago, but I wish he'd do these more often. We could use some optimism as a nation. A reminder we ARE a nation.
Seriously, this guy...I almost forget which party he's from. Which makes sense. Partisan bickering was finally shown for the childish drama it was when framed by an honest nation-threatening situation. But I'm talking even before then. Always deftly dodging the bait-loaded questions of politically-slanted shows and reporters, but doing so with answers that weren't insubstantial. He answered your question, but on his terms. And yet, the answer never easily fit into any black-or-white political ideology. I mean, sure, he obviously LEANED one way with his focus on change, but in the same breath he always managed to touch upon multiple views of the same coin. And he gave all views a fair shake.
And when he does make a stand, when he does say "I'm sorry, but I can only see THIS as being what should be done," he does so in a way that placates all but the most hard-lined of his opposition.
Which is good, because he's started taking a stand. Some people may be off-put by the control he's exerting, but really, I find it a relief that somebody's taking charge and doing SOMETHING to restore normalcy. I mean, crazy times call for crazy measures, right?
Makes sense to me.
So the re-registration isn't a big deal. I'm already done; I'm sure lots of records were lost in the attacks. Makes sense. Also if you're reading this I HOPE YOU'VE REGISTERED. Get it done...I'd hate to see anybody I know deported. Less than a week guys. Get on it.
One thing that IS a big deal though, and something I find to be a rather brilliant move, is the guns-for-food program he announced. In case you didn't see the report, the basics: anybody who brings in live ammunition or registered guns will receive an equivalent amount of foodstamps. This should take a significant amount of weapons out of the hands of would-be looters. People who were considering using their weapons to take food can now trade them to EARN food.
Yeah, I like the idea. But I did have worries -- won't that give even more power to those who hold on to their weapons?
Well, it could, President Lee admitted. However (and this is the biggest of the big deal), the President has declared a type of martial law, making armed robbery a capital offense. One punishable by local law enforcement.
I mean, I've got mixed feelings. Putting that kind of power in the hands of local police? But I think his stipulations, coupled with the fact that we ARE in the situation we're in, justify his actions. (For the record, any officer who uses deadly force is out of a job pending a jury's review. If the review clears him or her, they can go back to work. If they are found to have acted improperly, they face a capital offense charge themselves.)
I don't think I'm the only one who sees this as a necessary evil, especially in the context outlined by President Lee. Though it's odd not being able to switch to a cable network and see talking heads talking about how foolish, outlandish, country-ruiningish the idea is. Still, would anybody make such claims right now?
President Lee went on to mention progress made in restoring national networks, though conspicuously missing from his released statement was anything touching on the half-day of complete access. Maybe it was just a trial run?
And is anybody surprised that the attacks have been linked to Al-Qaida? I had hoped the War on Terror had busted up their organization beyond the ability to pull off something like this. Guess not....
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More changes!
First off, the big one. I've been accepted into Project Wonderful, a pretty awesome way of handling online advertising. I'm not a big fan of most forms of online advertising, but the guy who came up with this knows his stuff. He's also the Dinosaur Comics dude ( So he's doubly awesome.
You may also notice the 3-column setup I've got going on now. Been a long time since I've toyed with page creation, and I'm mostly c&p-ing code from how-to blogs, but so far so good. Forgot how much I enjoyed this kinda stuff.
Again, comments on anything, the story, page layout, whatever, always are welcome.
I have to admit I'm a little prejudiced but I'm enjoying what I'm reading. Unfortunately, the story that you are creating doesn't seem all that far-fetched!
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