14 May 2009


Today was a little different. I know it's silly, but I kept waking up in the middle of the night, refreshing some of my favorite websites that have been down in the hopes that they'd be back up.

It's way too early. Way way WAY too early for things to be fixed. I know that. I'm aware. But I have to admit to a little more energy, more motivation today thanks to yesterday's announcement. So I figured it was time to be productive and check for job opportunities online, see if I could return to the world of the working.

Helped that I honestly didn't expect to find anything. Empty effort; a sense of accomplishment with no real risk of having to trouble myself. But some of the sites were back up...several of the major national job-posting boards were up, running, and most surprisingly, full of new jobs available.

If you've taken a look, it's painfully obvious that maybe most of those jobs were to fill positions...opened...by recent events. And I suspect many of them were. Lots of telecommunications positions, engineering posts, construction gigs. What was a little more surprising was the number of federal positions listed.

Should you need me, I'll be here, filling out applications. Though I guess giving my phone number is kinda pointless right now....


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