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Woke up today to the sound of the TV.
"...major targeted damage to the nation's major telecommunications hubs. The nation's data infrastructure, while not destroyed, had been badly damaged. Unprecedented destruction has essentially severed the country into numerous isolated regions. All interstate and international mass transit has been forced to temporarily shut down...."
So apparently the terrorists, who have yet to be named or even identified as far as I can tell, were looking to cut us down into bite-size targets. Instead of one large America, we've been reduced to a bunch of weak, confused, out-of-touch city-states. But...
...but why haven't any more attacks been reported yet? Are they happening and we're just not hearing about them? And after such a ridiculously successful operation, why hasn't anyone laid claim to the attacks? Or again, have they, and we just don't know? That one really bothers me, simply because it makes no sense. Terrorism is all about causing fear to bring attention to your cause. Well, the fear has been caused. So what group has the talent, ability, and funding to pull this off, yet lacks the intelligence to see it all through?
All I can figure is that it must be part of their plan. Either that, or they've announced themselves to only a part and are allowing the information to slowly spread through all the regions.
I also have to ask...if things are as chaotic as the news makes it sound, why were things running so smoothly in-town yesterday? Seems that word from the President didn't just reach the news stations. Everybody in the service industry was given some sort of preparation.
The best example happened just a few minutes ago.
Were any of you near this when it went down? Local news reported moderate amounts of rioting downtown. People, having finally received a glimpse as to how much breakdown had occurred within the country, reacted in a panic. Torches were lit, rocks were held at the ready to tear into vulnerable windowpanes, cars already halfway to the tipping point. But the police were there almost before the gatherings began. It seems that President Lee had issued a memo to all local law enforcement agencies to BE PREPARED. News claimed it was in all caps and everything, just like that.
I'm in awe that there were so few casualties. I mean, we have a panicked people up against The Man. That never ends well, right? Well, it did tonight. Seems the police were instucted to use non-lethal force, and a pre-recorded speech by the President, urging peace and understanding in this time of need with his logical, reasoning, calm delivery.
It seems, anyway. I'm not sure I get this. I mean, a crazed mob isn't likely to listen to anything, much less something from an authority figure. Were the people just looking for answers? Was the mob really all that crazy? I wasn't out there. I hope none of you that I know were either. I'm not nearly that stupid. So, I didn't hear what was said or see what went down. But...really?
Whatever happened, it worked, by all accounts. One more little funny bit about it all, though. Nobody seemed to remember the whole speech. People seemed to pick up on different parts, small bits that resonated with them. The TV reporters apparently gave up on trying to piece it all together.
Now, If the crews were there, how did they NOT get a recording of the message? Why aren't people talking about what they heard? can't argue with results. I don't understand, but I guess it's one of those 'you had to be there' things.
I'd love to get my hands on a transcript of it, at least.
But it's gotta be lucky are we to have someone competent in charge?
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My work schedule for the next 48 hours is pretty much total insanity. I prefer to give each entry an edit one last time just as I post it, and I feel this one could use it, but I'll have to do it later. Just no time now.
From 4 am tomorrow until 2 am the following day, I will be working 17 of those 22 hours.
They played the speech at the riot and that calmed it down?
Yeah, touched that up a bit.
You know, I love this, being able to go back and say, hm, we can make this sound better, while still getting the story out.
It's cheating though, and I'd like to get out of the habit as I get more comfortable with this.
I'm impressed
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