23 June 2009



The grocery store had bananas today! Crazy expensive though. $2.50/lb. Didn't keep me from picking up a couple of bunches, earning a slight raised eyebrow from the checkout operator girl. The guys are already faded beyond green into a solid yellow, but I figure I'll be able to down then before the browns dominate.

Payday's coming up, and after the success of our +'s ads, we all should be doing pretty well for a good while, provided there are no crazy market dives.

Anything's still possible, but some of the drama's gone. Things have definitely stabilized for me personally. Hard to tell if it's the same for the general populace though. Local news remains distant and impersonal, though the recent internet (semi)rescucitation has led to a bit more variety. The streets are still filled with idlers, but there's been a definite reduction in blatantly homeless people on the streets. A result of the curfew, I can only assume.

Been poking around the edges of the 'Net some more. Interesting results. Like I said, visiting the international pages of US-based news sites -- CNN, USAToday, etc. -- leads to sites that still exist but have fallen into disrepair. You know, like an abandoned Geocities page (remember those?). Broken links. Missing images. No updates since pre-6/5.

Overseas news sites can't even be accessed. BBC, for example. 404 error.

Suspect a lot of you have already noticed for yourself, but still. Tried being a little more sneaky? Looking up, say, overseas blogs? Can't find anything. Social networking sites have limited functionality, if any...not that the lack of myspace pimped-out pages is any great loss. Blogs (like this, obviously) are still viewable but they seem to be slowly dwindling. Like, I had a few I followed, but now only one or two are still updating. Some stop providing new entries, some 404.

I'm doing this mostly for myself, sure, but...I dunno. Hate to see all this go to waste. Plus...I'm still hoping to hear from others across the nation, get some feel for how things are nationally from individuals, not from news agencies. I mean, it's most likely nothing, just people having personal issues they have to deal with interfering with passtimes. Plenty of issues to go around nowadays. Just...hm.

Really need to talk to Andy about all this.

Think I'll e-mail him now actually.


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