17 June 2009


Picking up where I left off: the downside of sleep-deprivation-induced loopiness. Namely, seeing boogeymen in all the dark corners. Ghosts in your peripheral vision. Figuratively speaking, however. It's a bit different now that I've gotten some rest, but these phantasmic thoughts won't stop spooking me occasionally.

So we know now first-hand the deportations are real. And we know they're happening now. What else is kicking in now? Yeah. So why do I think the two are related?

Been keeping up with the local news?

Anybody else think there's been surprisingly little reaction to the deportations? And yet there was a report today about backlash "apparently over the enforced curfew," as the reporter put it. The voice-over, non-live-on-the-scene reporter. There's no other reason to assume they're protesting curfews over high gas prices, overcrowded public transportation, or horrible late-night TV lineups.

I'm just wondering if people are starting to react now that they're on slightly more stable footing, feeling a bit more confident and all. And that the curfew is, in part, a check to keep things in control should news over the deportations explode the way I'd expect it to.

I dunno. If it's even true, it may not even be a bad thing when you think about it like that.


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