Official Time-Out, play to resume shortly


Okay, I hate to do this, but seeing as how I haven't updated in a while, I guess it's already been done?

No no no, I haven't given up on this. Not by a long shot. But it needs work. The story. The voice. The characters. The everything. I'm not happy with the way it's going currently and I need to take some time to fix it.

Life has a large part to do with this. Major changes going on right now. Moving overseas again. Yeah. BUT as I get things in line, I'll be returning to the world I'm working on here. PLUS I'll be introducing a new project.

This is exciting. You should be excited.

Anyway, for what it's worth, for whom it holds any worth, I'm just saying this project is NOT abandoned.

Just on a soon-to-be-ended hiatus.

I'll be advertising again once I'm back alive. Check back soon, yah?

